Stops Acid Reflux Logo
Mother Nature provided the ingredients, we just put them together. (But, in a very special way.)
It's not a miracle, but you'll think it is.
Bottle of our natural remedy for acid reflux and heartburn.

What is Acid Reflux and what causes it?

Simplistically, acid reflux, food regurgitation and heartburn are caused by gas in both the stomach and upper part of small intestines forcing partially digested food up the esophagus and into the back of the throat.

This happens periodically because not enough HCL (hydrochloric acid - stomach acid) is being produced to control the bacteria and digest the food in the stomach. When this happens gas is formed and pushes the food upward through the esophagus toward the back of the throat. As a result, there is an acid, burning taste in the esophagus and in the throat that causes considerable discomfort.

This mainly happens in older people because as humans age they tend to produce less stomach acid, causing more gas.

The solution can be many, but assuming you do not have a ruptured esophagus, deformed valves from stomach to esophagus then you have what is called "common acid reflux" meaning that your acid reflux is not caused by a ruptured esophagus or deformed valve but rather is the result of gas pushing the partially digested food up through the esophagus which is the case for virtually all acid reflux sufferers. To stop the acid reflux immediately we need to add more acid to the stomach
*. The pH of our certified apple cider vinegar, ginger and garlic juice formula is perfect for this - just one or two swallows (sometimes three if you are a particularly large individual) and your acid reflux, burning, and heartburn disappears in short order - a minute or two. You will have total relief and can now go back to sleep with no further burning or discomfort.

For more information about the causes of acid reflux, click here.

This acid reflux formula has been used for over 100 years as a homeopathic remedy and produces the fastest, most natural relief we know of. It is remarkably effective and you will also notice that if you have had problems with excess gas that it eliminates that problem, too.

You Can Also Do These Things to Help Prevent Acid Reflux:
1. Wait at least three hours after eating before going to bed. Do not eat in bed.

2. Avoid spicy foods - peppers, tomatoes, cheeses, dairy products, peanut butter, coffee, tea, caffeinated beverages, hot dogs, lunch meats, greasy snack foods (chips) and deep fried foods. Learn more here.

3. Stay away from alcohol.

4. Drink a full glass of water after eating.

5. Sleep with head slightly elevated.

Caleb Treeze Organic Farm

To order now, Click Here.

*Read "Why Stomach Acid Is Good For You"
by Dr. Jonathan V. Wright, M.D. and Lane Lenard, Ph.D.
(Available at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.)

Bottle of Stops Leg Cramps
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